What 2020 pandemic has taught me



After doing this post on my instagram stories the other week, it got me reflecting in over the last year, and wanted to do a blog post that extends what Ive been reflecting on and what I personally have learnt over the last year.

Screenshot 2020-12-22 at 18.24.34.png

First of all I wanted to share things I’m proud of!

Reconnected with my family and friends 

Having more empathy for others

Reconnected with myself 

Developed this site

Feel back in love with my greatest passions - Illustrating 

Freedom picking my own projects

Started two blogs, one of which you are reading now!

Launched a store with my own designs 

Getting through a pregnancy in a pandemic 

Recovering from a complicated labour 

Giving birth to Kyra, becoming her mother. 

Now for the things I have learnt 

  1. To question things,

Especially the sentence -  “But we always do things this way!”

  • for how long?

  • under what circumstances?

  • Socially, something that may have been viewed by one generation of a way to do things doesn’t set the blueprint for all current generations. With that comes my next point.

2. Learning from the past is good, but shouldn’t dictate the present.
A situation should be viewed under the current circumstances it is in.

3. Your allowed to have different view when you learn new things or even presented with a new scenario, even if something that seems right in the past is then wrong in the present need to be more open to how we learn from things. Accountability is important until we reach a stage it looses its intentions. We need to reach a stage where things can move on to give room for new ideas

4.Holding on to tradition and forcing old ideals can be damaging, if it’s not enjoyable or relevant anymore. It probably best to be better letting these things go. Repeating patterns and loosing its original intent and mean makes traditions methodical and redundant. Keep traditions that have positive longevity but let go of ones that no longer serve a purpose and give space for something new

5. All of the above opens up our acceptance for change. I don’t exactly fear change, but understand the elements of uncertainty that makes people uncomfortable. With change comes breakthroughs and room to progress and grow.

- I personally find this more rewarding.

…And because it is the holiday season…here is a picture of me this time last year…speaking of all this change.

Physically my hair has gotten longer compared to last year :P
Internally - my mindset has changed for sure!


Check out my other blogs on “Slice of Life”


Mindful 5 tips I’m entering 2021 with


5 Albums that got me through 2020