International Artist Day


Today is international artist day

I’m appreciating so many art forms today,
In times like these it is important to recognise artistic industries have taken a tough hit, from visual illustrators, designers, photographers, musicians and performers in these creative industries.

It has been more challenging and tough this year hard on artist so I encourage those to look into what’s going on in these kind of creative industries and show support! 

Especially if you follow local or independent artist why not show support today and purchase from them today!


At the start of the pandemic I felt quite lost.
After the rush of putting the Spring Summer 2021 Collection together we reached a sudden halt!
Eventually things had to adapt and be changed, and I was to be furloughed and then onto maternity soon after.
So it felt like overnight - like many others - my whole lifestyle changed as I was quite occupied with my main job.
Ive always been quite productive and buzzing around creative projects but for sometime my energy was dedicated to the collections to primary role doing design.

However! on a more positive note!
It did allow me to pick up other areas I had on the back burner, and showing some love and dedication here instead.
I’ve really enjoyed getting stuck into my more creative work again for myself in these times like this being creative really gives life to my soul! I’ve enjoying my own projects, blogs and participating in Inktober this year for the first time!

Im thinking soonish setting up a Patreon or Etsy store, but need to figure out my products first.

I’m expecting in a couple of short weeks
so taking a short break to birth and spend some time welcoming my little one to the world!

Still something I would like to take a look at in the near future.
In the meantime, if anyone is looking for collaborations or commission I am here :)

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Check out my other Slice of Life blog posts!


& Check out my Re.Gen Blog Posts too :) !


Inktober Round Up - Week 4 Final Prompts


Inktober Round Up - Week 3