Mindful 5 tips I’m entering 2021 with

2020 for me was such a transformative year, unpredictable, uncertain and not at all easy but I’m beyond grateful of all the life lessons learnt.

Above all it’s gave me my daughter which is the best thing!

Ending the year in some mindful tips I’m bringing with myself next year 

  1. To keep being more open to changes

  2. Being in the moment more, being aware of my present

  3. Accepting the mundane,

  4. Normalising the balance of things. With positive, negative exists by default. That cannot be controlled but my reactions to it call can be.

  5. Freedom to juggle my responsibilities and readjust my pace and priorities to how I see will work most productively

Check out my other blogs!


Things I’m looking forward to returning to in this 2021 year!


What 2020 pandemic has taught me