

Watercolour Food Illustrations

Food Illustrations

I loved teaching myself how to make new healthy dishes.
I like to cook with combination of ingredients that look good in textures and colours.

When I was going through phases of my own diet changes over the years,
I would myself layout food in a composition and snap a pictures and store my own archive of recipes.
I would also be on the look out for new ideas and nutritious recipes for inspirations.
When the inspiration is so good, It needs to be illustrated!

I would like to support more editorial magazines features with this style of illustration.
Open to collaborate with my favourite local cafes & restaurants to push their
printed marketing materials with this style of illustrations.


even working with lifestyle coaches and influencers on their sites to work artworks similar to their own recipe ideas!

Screenshot 2020-09-22 at 11.39.51.png

“Cafe Mori”

One of my favourite local cafes & locations in Wimbledon London.
I admire Japanese style atmosphere and mood, the aesthetic is minimal, simplistic and humbly charming.
The cafe has a mix of wooden bamboo decor and interiors, and simple ceramics in tonal passive colours or rustic finishes.

I usually order matcha latte, sometimes with a sweet treat or stay longer for a lunch date with my partner. Its a great place to take a break and also even a great place to bring along a laptop or note book and get some work done.

There is something about this location that has inspired me to work on studies specifically themed around their brand in my artworks as it appeals to even my own style.


For commission enquiries please feel free to email me at


Inktober 2020


Fashion Illustrations