I return to analogue routes as most of this year I have worked primarily on digital illustrations. Inktober 2023 I approached differently this year, letting go of trying to create perfected pieces but instead take the pressure of quick outcomes.

The ideas was the process was to be intuitive, taking each outcome as it comes. Introducing a collection of miniature Lino-prints demonstrated as circular stamped pieces.

1. Dream

Initially I did think of a woman gazing at the stars - I decided against it as I didn’t like the feeling of dreams being unattainable. I realised my own dreams sit closer to me. I have a lot of ambitions and dreams for myself but I ultimately want to share them with her one day.

2. Spiders

This spider is inclusive of a web. Sitting comfortably in the center.


A winding road, leading onwards to an adventure upon a sunrise.

4. Dodge

This is my most least favourite of the prompts. The idea was harder to convey given the size and medium... a bit meh.


More of a compass than a map - was thinking along the lines of navigation

6. Golden

A sunshine. Similar aesthetic to some of my prompts with a celestial theme.

7. Drip

A dewy drop, dripping from a leaf

8. Toad

I had sketched a digital drawing of this frog and wanted try it out in a Lino print.

9. Bounce

A bouncing bunny with folk motifs in the patterns.

10. Fortune

A gleaming crystal ball with mystic hands.

11. Wander

A wandering pair of boots treading lightly through the grasses.

12. Spicey

A Chilli pepper.

13. Rise

Following on with my obsessions of mountains and sunrises/sunsets.

14. Castle

Although I attempted to do as many original pieces and stay away from fan arts. I couldn't resist “ Howls Moving Castle”for the Castle prompt.

15. Dagger

My least favourite.

16. Angel

A biblical representation much like the idea I had explored with in the earlier Inktober52 prompt but now with an opportunity to create it as a Lino print.

17. Demon

Yokai themed Demon .

18. Saddle

A little leather saddle bag.

19. Plump

Robins that arrive in my garden are very cute. . . also very plump.

20. Frost

As we are getting closer to winter and came off the back of the previous prompt.

21. Chains

A close up detail .

22. Scratchy

I’m pretty sure that any cat owner can relate.

23. Celestial

Moon faces fitting the theming of an earlier prompt “golden” which had a sunshine. Animation sparkles the stars.

24. Shallow

The ripples of a clear water pond. A gif version developed with swaying ripples and flickering seaweeds under the waters surface.

25. Dangerous

Linked to the previous prompt with a tonal shift by adding in the shark

26. Remove

Removing my face from a past version of myself.

27. Beast

October is the month for Over the Garden Wall influences and this is the beast that carries the lantern in the forest.

28. Sparkle

Shiny crystals that sparkle.

29. Massive

A very large planet amongst the stars.

30. Rush

Representing the rush of these Inktobers Ive showcased this year. Similar to the Lotus appearing rapidly for a short time and retreating again. Under the surface though still pending to emerge.

31. Fire

Flicking in my palms. Radiating light in the dark. Warming my hands and sustaining its shapes with a gentle smoulder.


Mini Sketchbook